it now happens, these folks, made up of artists and designers and children
and the machine-people have, in fact, decided to 'meet' and 'chat' and
write letters of love through words and pictures and sounds. .
what do they then do with these lovely love-letters?
They plan to magically transform their messages of love, communicated
through these strange machines called the computers, into works of art
in these.two
countries. For all to see. And for all to sing yet another melody of
And how will the folks get to see these magical transformations?.Through
a touring exhibition carrying these works of art across Youkay and maybe.even
across India..
you also like to join us by sending your own stories of love?
Love-stories written by you for people
who are either real or imaginary. Or even love-stories,.which
have become a part of your myths and folklore and the grandmother's
that could be said in pictures or words or in both..
And then, through these letters of love,.a
lot more folks across the world could get to know about you,.and
about how people in love from your country communicate this lovely emotion
to each other?.
you like to be a part of all this excitement that is going to build
up in the form of a diary as
love unfolds itself ?
you have any suggestions and comments to make
or if you would like to participate in the event
Solar Eclipse
Web Diary