a b o u t   t h e  p r o j e c t 

This collaborative online event involved the construction of a life-sized structure of a Indian Elephant in the UK in answer to a corresponding life-sized structure of the Cornish Sailboat in India, with the participation of children and design students. 

This website was designed to provide information on Indian elephants to the children at Cornwall, U K

We shall soon have many interactive features on the subject of Indian elephant. The site will be constantly refreshed with new material. In case you like to have anything specific put up on the site, please let us know. 

~ The Indian Elephant in Cornwall, UK ~

collaborative sculpture

Points of interaction:
between IIT, Bombay and at FCA, Cornwall, UK.
Modes of interaction/ information exchange:
largely asynchronous via faxes, e-mail; and text and graphic material exchanged over the net
Participants/ composition of project group:
FCA: children (age group 8), design students, technology support group, faculty members and co-ordinator Cornish Sailboat,
IIT: children (age group 9-10), design students, technology support group, faculty members and co-ordinator

End product:
(physical)life-sized walk-through sculptures/ installations, emphasis on use of recycled material (green design) and mediation through design,
virtual: web documents

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Please send your suggestions and comments to..Project Solar Eclipse.