S t r e e t   P a i n t i n g s

Artists Jitesh kalla's interpretation of the street paintings

This project about using computer-mediated technology to connect up communities located in different parts of the world is committed towards providing opportunities for "new audiences" which for us would imply those not involved yet or likely to be involved in the conceivable future, in any way whatsoever, to these technologies. As part of our "new audiences", we had with us a painter Jitesh Kalla and six street children from YUVA(Youth Unity for Voluntary Action) who painted on the theme of the festival. The interesting thing being that Kalla created a digital canvas by interpreting the paintings done on paper by the street children.


"That what I call a house "

"That what I call a childrens home "
"Holi "
"Playing holi "

 About this project
Guest book
 Hussain feature
Street paintings